Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Manly Masculine Women

My brother called me, "manly," a month or so ago. After gasping, "I can't believe you just called me that!" I told him that he had his vocabulary wrong and suggested that maybe the word he was looking for was, "masculine." 

Calling me, "manly," makes me sound like I'm tall, broad, and really need to wax my eyebrows.

"Masculine" doesn't sound like much of a more flattering description, but being masculine is about characteristics, rather than physical attributes. To say that I have, "qualities traditionally ascribed to men, [such] as strength and boldness," ( isn't insulting at all. 

In fact, it's a compliment. I have no intention of behaving in the manner traditionally ascribed to women, (screeching, fainting, being-seen-and-not-heard) so I might as well try those traditionally ascribed to men. I'll be strong and I'll be bold. 

I'll even kill the bugs, occasionally. 


  1. you would do one better if you disputed the masculinity as well as the femininity of the stated traits.

  2. If it's a good thing for a woman to be masculine, is it a good thing for a man for be feminine?

  3. You pose a good question, Yathiest. But I think that the problem with the masculine versus feminine descriptions is that women have historically been viewed as the weaker sex, thus making viewing anyone as "feminine," weak.

    What I really should focus on is disputing the fact that "strength" should be viewed as a masculine trait, as Kisarita pointed out. But my brain's feeling mushed right now and I'm not gonna attempt it.

  4. Maybe Jewish men are attracted to shiksas because they are more feminine than Jewish women?

  5. Anonymous:

    You're speaking in generalities. You assume that "Jewish men are attracted to shiksas," and that, "shiksas are more feminine than Jewish women."

    They're both a matter of opinion.
