Friday, April 25, 2008

1787 Prediction of Outsourcing. in... Quote Time!

"Shall domestic manufactures be encourages, and in what degree, by restrictions on foreign manufactures? are questions which would be differently decided by the landed and the manufacturing classes".
James Madison, Federalist No 10

Looks like James Madison predicted the outsourcing crisis and argument being faced today. These is exactly the problem being faced today, though you might substitute, "are questions which would be differently decided by the [...] classes," with, "are questions which would be differently decided by the Democrats and the Republicans."

There are those who say that the Democratic Party stands for the poor people (one class) and the Republican party for the rich (another class,) but that's not actually true. There are poor people in the Republican party, and rich people (say, "Hollywood!") in the Democratic party.

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